Help Us Help You

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Help Us Help You

Right now, nearly everyone feels that they have no control over their daily lives – and we feel the same way. We are doing exactly what we need to do, to survive in the current climate, but we were wondering if there might be something that we could do to take some of the edge off, when you visit us.

Is there something that we are NOT doing, that maybe we should be doing?

  • We’ve taken most of the personal contact out of our daily routines, by offering curbside service.
  • We’ve put some of the forms online, to fill out in your car, before you arrive.
  • We’re also streamlining our procedures inside, to make it quicker for you and your pet.
  • We’re providing pet-med and pet-food delivery in a 6 mile radius of our location.

Is there anything that we are missing? Do you have a suggestion on how we can make this process less stressful for you? Can you tell us using the space below?

Thanks for everything, and we truly appreciate your business.  We’re all hoping that we can put this behind us very soon.


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  1. Stepheny Perrotta on April 13, 2020 at 11:39 pm

    Life as everyone knows it has been turned upside down. Even our pets. I just want to say how truly thankful to have a place that loves and takes care of our pets as if they were their family. All of the staff is so caring and compassionate. So thank you for doing what you do.

  2. […] be doing?Click on one of the links below, and tell us what you think.Tell us what you think: Dunedin Animal Medical CenterTell us what you think: Community Animal […]

  3. Dunedin Animal Hospital on April 16, 2020 at 11:42 pm

    You are very welcome.